#Garden - Red's Guide to Personal Greenhouses
I obviously know where to start, but I don't know "where" to start.
I garden. Mainly vegetables. This is my first year planting flowers and I've been quite accomplished in it. I surprised myself. I blame it on the recent Covid19 pandemic. It pushed me into resource mode and everything I have planted grew. Which is an awesome thing in a bad manner. Survival first, beauty second.
This post is going to show you how I use the "personal greenhouse" method. This method is really simple in all types of climates. It can be done indoors or out. It also can been done with plants that you want to keep in the dark. (I'll insert a how to link here at later time)
I tend to spend the bare minimum. I'm fairly frugal when it comes to things like this. I shop at places like ___, ___ and ___ and I buy bundles of things that are a dollar. This is my version on mini greenhouses. I've tried everything and this happens to be the simplest, easiest and cheapest way for me.
Step ONE: I first start with these.

The top row is all pots purchased at _____ I spent $7 in pots and labels. Labels are not a necessity because I found masking tape is the easiest to use. You get hundreds of labels off of one roll and over time they dry out, so when transplanting come into play, you just easily peel the sticker and reuse the pot. The plastic labels need to be cleaned with alcohol or a rough cloth to remove the marker.
When I don't have pots or my cabinets in the kitchen gets too full of plastics without matching lids, I get those old containers, poke holes in them and use them as potters. I also do this with soda containers and other random shit. You can easily cut the soda container in half and make your own greenhouse. Boom! Recycling AND saving money. (Not really kuz soda is expensive.)
Step TWO: Fill with your nutrient rich dirt (Link goes here)
Step THREE: Add 2 or 3 seeds to each pot. Only add two of any bean and one of corn. When planting beans, plant them apart.
Step FOUR: Pour just a little fresh warm water. Best if kept in the sun for a day or two. Here's how to clean city, apartment or bad water (insert link here).
Step FIVE: Cover your small pot or plastic container with a clear (or majority clear) plastic cup. Use two little pieces of masking tape to hold the cup to the potter if the cup sits flush on the potter. Here are some easy variations. The left picture is set in a bigger cup, the middle is taped on the sides and the right is soil covering the left style cup so the wind doesn't blow it.

Step SIX: Dunk bottoms of pots in water every other day or place pots in small container; like a lid you don't use or a long old paper bin and water every other day.
Step SEVEN: Love your damn plants! Treat them like they're your children. No, do not open them everyday. It'll lose the fresh oxygen and moisture when doing that. The cup is its own greenhouse and ecosystem at this moment. Nothing else is pretty much needed but a little movement to mock wind.
Allow your plants to stay in this own personal greenhouse for 4 to 8 weeks. Depending on temperature, humidity and elevation it could take shorter or longer periods of time to reach the middle of the clear cup. I use the middle of my cup as my indication that the plants are ready to be introduced to sunlight if doing this process inside. No need to worry about the growth when they're started outside. You can just simply plant and let them go, there's no introducing them to sunlight.
Have fun and congratulations on your new garden adventure! Your body and planet thank you!
Positive Thoughts. Positive Actions.
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